Investment Casting

What is Investment Casting

Investment casting, also known as lost wax casting, includes wax pressing, wax repairing, tree formation, paste, wax melting, casting metal liquid and post-treatment processes.  Lost wax casting is the process of making a wax mold of the part to be cast, and then coating the wax mold with mud.  After the clay mold is dried, the clay mold is baked.  Once roasted, the wax mold all melted away, leaving only ceramic mold.  Generally, a casting port is left when the mold is made, and then molten metal is poured into the pouring port. After cooling, the required parts are made.  


Advantages of Investment Casting

The biggest advantage of investment casting is that because investment casting has a high dimensional accuracy and surface finish, it can reduce the machining work, only a little machining allowance can be left in the parts requiring higher requirements, and even some castings only leave grinding and polishing allowance, without mechanical processing can be used.  It can be seen that the investment precision casting method can greatly save machine tools, processing time and metal raw materials.  

Another advantage of the investment casting method is that it can accurately cast complex castings of various alloys, especially high temperature alloy castings.  For example, the blade of jet engine, its streamlined outer profile and cooling inner cavity, with machining process almost impossible to form.  Investment precision casting technology can not only achieve mass production, ensure the consistency of the casting, but also avoid the stress concentration of residual blade lines after machining.  


Contact: Terry Zhang

Phone: +86-13515399527 (Whatsapp/wechat)


Add: No 106 Jinqueshan Road, Linyi, China